IRWIN in other media

Yle Uutiset: Has COVID-19 thaught us how to tackle pandemics? Professor replies by comparing the pandemic to a bass solo. Wallius, 30.10.2021.


Seura: Kabul showed us how Finland shines in traditional crises - but what about hybrid threats? These are skills that decision-makers have to learn
- Aki-Mauri Huhtinen (27.8.2021)


Hybrid Times podcast
#11 Aki-Mauri Huhtinen: A defence strategy means staying alive. Jaakko Tapaninen, 6.5.2021.


“Truth, lies and reality“-a question of perspective?-webinar, 6.5.2021


Niilola, M. (2021).
Researchers reveal new pandemic-era security threats: Weakened security of supply, lies surrounding vaccination and complete silence over Russia. Yle Uutiset, 23.4.2021.